(This column appears in today's edition of the Leyte-Samar Daily Express)
Hi there! It’s Friday. My apologies about today’s title, considering that it’s the season of lent. I was supposed to have something about the EDSA Anniversary, but nahh, after two decades, it seems like the spirit has died down. Well, it’s only Cory Aquino who can muster enough number for such a feat. Period. End of argument. Oops, okey, there were other key players, but still it was the Cory magic the pervaded.
So, what’s with today’s title? That was the first line that came to mind upon hearing last Sunday’s gospel. That gospel had something to do with what we usually refer to as the Golden Rule: “… do to others as you would have them do to you”. And no gospel would be more appropriate this election season than the one on the golden rule. Why do I say that? Well, as I wrote this column, I remember some friends of mine say: panahon gud ini san pamulitika, kun sino la an makabawbaw. It happens every three years (well, for some it’s 24/7) when it seems like (some) politicians have forgotten about doing good towards their fellowmen, err, their fellow candidates (of course many of them are super-good towards the voters). Election season is one of mudslinging (normal), the 3Gs, oops, I’m not referring to the latest models of mobile phones. How I wish candidates give out these phone to buy votes. That would be fun and a far cry from the 3Gs we used to know – guns, goons and gold (which are kinda normal during and even off-election season. Of course the authorities are doing something about it.). What about making it to the news on national TV, prime time at that? Hmm, that certainly is something. We’re in for something different (from or is it in addition to) all these stuff that Philippine elections are made of. Again, my apologies for such a gory picture. But hey, it’s gonna be a clean election. Why do I say that? The poll body is kinda serious about having campaign posters and streamers being placed in designated (proper) places.
Back to the golden rule. I don’t think many of us, politicians and ordinary folks alike, have forgotten about it, many are certainly into it, retaliation that is.
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Last Wednesday we had out foreheads dirtied with ash (sadly many are into it, but don’t have any idea what is it) as we ushered in the Lenten Season. Along that line is the message of which is, as one newspaper had it, a tall order for all of us, especially some politicians: Change of heart.
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Going back to today’s title. That line (on retaliation) was something I got from that comic character named Doña Buding. It’s an offshoot from that normal (again, my apologies) human character about getting even with someone who has wronged you. Well, one celebrity whose name I can’t recall put is better by saying that when somebody wronged you, don’t get even, get more. And who can forget that classic line that Ivana Trump said in the movie The First Wives Club: “Don’t get mad, get everything!” Yun na!
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Msgr. Isabelo Abarquez will be installed as the new bishop of Calbayog this coming March 8, 2007. His installation rites will be held at the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral at 10 in the morning. A Testimonial Luncheon will follow at the TTMIST Hall.
On March 7, there will be a motorcade that will bring Msgr. Abarquez from San Juanico Bridge to Calbayog City. As per advice given to the Calbayog parishioners, the motorcade is expected at arrive in Calbayog City at around 4:00 pm.
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Birthday greetings to City Treasurer Pedy Resente. He turned a year older last Monday.
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This is it for now. Have a nice weekend everyone! Ciao!